
【キニナル】【MADE IN FRANCE】 【Oshibori concept】Oshibori antibacterial

【キニナル】【Made In France】 【Oshibori concept】Oshibori antibacterial


Oshibori concept "pour vous proteger et preserver vos proches avec elegance et efficacite" Pub 30s

Oshibori Concept Presentation


Antibacterial and perfumed towel

Oshibori Concept has decided to develop its cosmetic line for disinfectant use by bringing out the antibacterial Oshibori which eliminates more than 99.9% of bacteria and viruses.

The Oshibori can be enjoyed hot, cold or just at room temperature. Indeed, our towels can be passed in their cases for a few seconds in the microwave, hot cabi, oven or placed in the refrigerator a few hours before their use.

In addition, the tightness of the packaging of Oshibori Concept towels, guarantees humidification over 24 months and provides so-called comfort of a Made In France cosmetic product.

All our products have:

A best before date (Best Use Date) of 2 years,

Dermatologically tested

Assessment of cutaneous and ocular safety.

L’Oshibori Antibacterien est une serviette antiseptique 100% coton parfumee et impregnee d’une solution hydroalcoolique pour la desinfection des mains et surfaces sans rincage avec une efficacite prouvee selon les normes :

Bactericide en conditions de proprete selon :

EN 1276, EN 13727 en 30 secondes de contact

EN 13697 en 60 secondes de contact

EN 16615 en 60 secondes de contact

EN 1500 en 2x30 secondes de contact et 2x3ml

Levuricide en conditions de proprete selon :

EN 1650, EN 13624 en 30 secondes de contact

EN 13697 en 60 secondes de contact

EN 16615 en 60 secondes de contact

Virucide en conditions de proprete selon : EN 14476 en 30 secondes de contact (adenovirus et norovirus)

Machine a Oshibori

▼Machine Oshibori

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